

单词 secondary



S0201400 (sĕk′ən-dĕr′ē)adj.1. Second or lower in rank or importance; not primary: concerns that are secondary.2. a. Following what is first in time or sequence: secondary fermentation.b. Of or relating to secondary schools.3. a. Derived from what is primary or original: literary criticism viewed as secondary to literature itself.b. Not immediate or direct: a secondary source of information.4. Of, relating to, or being the shorter flight feathers projecting along the inner edge of a bird's wing.5. Electricity Having an induced current that is generated by an inductively coupled primary. Used of a circuit or coil.6. Chemistry a. Relating to, or having a carbon atom that is attached to two other carbon atoms in a molecule.b. Relating to the replacement of two of several atoms or groups in a compound, such as an amine in which two valences of the functional group are taken by carbon atoms.7. Geology Produced from another mineral by decay or alteration.8. Of or relating to a secondary color or colors.9. Being a degree of health care intermediate between primary care and tertiary care, as that typically offered at a community hospital.10. Botany Of, relating to, or derived from a lateral meristem, especially a cambium.n. pl. sec·ond·ar·ies 1. One that acts in an auxiliary, subordinate, or inferior capacity.2. One of the shorter flight feathers projecting along the inner edge of a bird's wing.3. Electricity A coil or circuit having an induced current.4. a. Astronomy A celestial body that orbits another; a satellite.b. The dimmer star of a binary star.5. A secondary color.6. Football The defensive backfield.
sec′ond·ar′i·ly (-dâr′ə-lē) adv.sec′ond·ar′i·ness n.


(ˈsɛkəndərɪ; -drɪ) adj1. one grade or step after the first; not primary2. derived from or depending on what is primary, original, or first: a secondary source. 3. below the first in rank, importance, etc; not of major importance4. (Education) (prenominal) of or relating to the education of young people between the ages of 11 and 18: secondary education. 5. (Zoology) (of the flight feathers of a bird's wing) growing from the ulna6. (Electronics) a. being the part of an electric circuit, such as a transformer or induction coil, in which a current is induced by a changing current in a neighbouring coil: a secondary coil. b. (of a current) flowing in such a circuit. Compare primary77. (Economics) (of an industry) involving the manufacture of goods from raw materials. Compare primary8b, tertiary28. (Geological Science) geology (of minerals) formed by the alteration of pre-existing minerals9. (Chemistry) chem a. (of an organic compound) having a functional group attached to a carbon atom that is attached to one hydrogen atom and two other groupsb. (of an amine) having only two organic groups attached to a nitrogen atom; containing the group NHc. (of a salt) derived from a tribasic acid by replacement of two acidic hydrogen atoms with metal atoms or electropositive groups10. (Linguistics) linguistics a. derived from a word that is itself a derivation from another word. Thus, lovably comes from lovable and is a secondary derivative from loveb. (of a tense in Latin, Greek, or Sanskrit) another word for historic3n, pl -aries11. a person or thing that is secondary12. a subordinate, deputy, or inferior13. (Electronics) a secondary coil, winding, inductance, or current in an electric circuit14. (Zoology) ornithol any of the flight feathers that grow from the ulna of a bird's wing. See primary615. (Astronomy) astronomy a celestial body that orbits around a specified primary body: the moon is the secondary of the earth. 16. (Medicine) med a cancerous growth in some part of the body away from the site of the original tumour17. (American Football) American football a. the secondary cornerbacks and safeties collectivelyb. their area in the field18. (Colours) short for secondary colour ˈsecondarily adv ˈsecondariness n


(ˈsɛk ənˌdɛr i)

adj., n., pl. -ar•ies. adj. 1. next after the first in order, rank, or time. 2. not primary or original: secondary sources of historical research. 3. of minor or lesser importance. 4. of or pertaining to secondary schools. 5. Chem. a. involving or obtained by the replacement of two atoms or groups. b. noting or containing a carbon atom united to two other carbon atoms in a chain or ring molecule. 6. noting or pertaining to the electrical current induced by a primary winding or to the winding in which the current is induced in an induction coil, transformer, or the like. 7. a. derived from a word that is itself a derived word: a secondary derivative. b. (of Latin, Greek, or Sanskrit tenses) having reference to past time. Compare primary (def. 10). 8. pertaining to any of a set of flight feathers on the second segment of a bird's wing. n. 9. a person or thing that is secondary. 10. a subordinate, assistant, deputy, or agent. 11. a secondary feather. 12. Football. the defensive unit that lines up behind the linemen. [1350–1400; < Latin secundārius] sec•ond•ar•i•ly (ˈsɛk ənˌdɛr ə li, ˌsɛk ənˈdɛər-) adv. sec′ond•ar`i•ness, n.


(sĕk′ən-dĕr′ē)1. Relating to a secondary color.2. Botany Relating to the cambium layer of tissue in plants, whose cells divide to create new vascular tissue and cause the plant to become wider and thicker.
Noun1.secondary - the defensive football players who line up behind the linemenback - (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmagefootball team, eleven - a team that plays footballformation - an arrangement of people or things acting as a unit; "a defensive formation"; "a formation of planes"
2.secondary - coil such that current is induced in it by passing a current through the primary coilsecondary - coil such that current is induced in it by passing a current through the primary coilsecondary coil, secondary windingcoil - reactor consisting of a spiral of insulated wire that introduces inductance into a circuittransformer - an electrical device by which alternating current of one voltage is changed to another voltage
Adj.1.secondary - being of second rank or importance or value; not direct or immediate; "the stone will be hauled to a secondary crusher"; "a secondary source"; "a secondary issue"; "secondary streams"inessential, unessential - not basic or fundamentalunoriginal - not original; not being or productive of something fresh and unusual; "the manuscript contained unoriginal emendations"; "his life had been unoriginal, conforming completely to the given pattern"- Gwethalyn Grahamprimary - of first rank or importance or value; direct and immediate rather than secondary; "primary goals"; "a primary effect"; "primary sources"; "a primary interest"
2.secondary - inferior in rank or status; "the junior faculty"; "a lowly corporal"; "petty officialdom"; "a subordinate functionary"junior-grade, lower-ranking, petty, subaltern, lowlyjunior - younger; lower in rank; shorter in length of tenure or service
3.secondary - depending on or incidental to what is original or primary; "a secondary infection"incidental, incident - (sometimes followed by `to') minor or casual or subordinate in significance or nature or occurring as a chance concomitant or consequence; "incidental expenses"; "the road will bring other incidental advantages"; "extra duties incidental to the job"; "labor problems incidental to a rapid expansion"; "confusion incidental to a quick change"
4.secondary - not of major importance; "played a secondary role in world events"minor - of lesser importance or stature or rank; "a minor poet"; "had a minor part in the play"; "a minor official"; "many of these hardy adventurers were minor noblemen"; "minor back roads"
5.secondary - belonging to a lower class or ranksubordinate, low-level - lower in rank or importance


adjective1. subordinate, minor, lesser, lower, inferior, unimportant, second-rate Refugee problems remained of secondary importance.
subordinate head, major, chief, main, larger, prime, principal, more important, superior, cardinal
2. resultant, resulting, contingent, derived, derivative, indirect, second-hand, consequential There was evidence of secondary tumours.
resultant original, preceding


adjective1. Below another in standing or importance:inferior, junior, lesser, low, lower, minor, minor-league, petty, small, subaltern, subordinate, under.Informal: smalltime.2. Used or held in reserve:auxiliary, backup, emergency, reserve, standby, supplemental, supplementary.3. Stemming from an original source:derivational, derivative, derived.nounOne belonging to a lower class or rank:inferior, junior, subaltern, subordinate, underling.


(ˈsekənd) adjective1. next after, or following, the first in time, place etc. February is the second month of the year; She finished the race in second place. 第二 第二2. additional or extra. a second house in the country. 另一的,又一的 另一的,又一的 3. lesser in importance, quality etc. She's a member of the school's second swimming team. 次等的 二等的 adverb next after the first. He came second in the race. 屈居第二 居第二位 noun1. a second person, thing etc. You're the second to arrive. 第二個 第二2. a person who supports and helps a person who is fighting in a boxing match etc. (打架或拳擊賽的)助手 (决斗中的)助手 verb to agree with (something said by a previous speaker), especially to do so formally. He proposed the motion and I seconded it. 附議(某人的提案等) 支持,赞成(提案等) ˈsecondary adjective1. coming after, and at a more advanced level than, primary. secondary education. 中等的 中级的,第二的 2. lesser in importance. a matter of secondary importance. 次要的 次要的 nounplural ˈsecondaries a secondary school. 中等學校 中级教育ˈseconder noun a person who seconds. 附議者 附议者ˈsecondly adverb in the second place. I have two reasons for not buying the house – firstly, it's too big, and secondly it's too far from town. 第二 第二secondary colours colours got by mixing primary colours. Orange and purple are secondary colours. 由原色混合出的顏色,間色 合成色,次生颜色 secondary school a school where subjects are taught at a more advanced level than at primary school. 中學 中学ˌsecond-ˈbest noun, adjective next after the best; not the best. She wore her second-best hat; I want your best work – your second-best is not good enough. 第二好的 仅次于最好的ˌsecond-ˈclass adjective1. of or in the class next after or below the first; not of the very best quality. a second-class restaurant; He gained a second-class honours degree in French. 二等的 二等的2. (for) travelling in a part of a train etc that is not as comfortable or luxurious as some other part. a second-class passenger; His ticket is second-class; (also adverb) I'll be travelling second-class. 二等艙的 二等舱的ˌsecond-ˈhand adjective previously used by someone else. second-hand clothes. 二手的,用過的 二手货的,用过的 second lieutenant a person of the rank below lieutenant. Second Lieutenant Jones. 少尉 少尉ˌsecond-ˈrate adjective inferior. The play was pretty second-rate. 次等的 二等的second sight the power of seeing into the future or into other mysteries. They asked a woman with second sight where the dead body was. 預知力 预见力second thoughts a change of opinion, decision etc. I'm having second thoughts about selling the piano. 改變心意或決定等 重新考虑at second hand through or from another person. I heard the news at second hand. 二手的 间接地come off second best to be the loser in a struggle. That cat always comes off second best in a fight. 敗陣 被击败every second week/month etc (on or during) alternate weeks, months etc. He comes in every second day. 每隔一週(或一個月等) 每隔一周(或一月等) second to none better than every other of the same type. As a portrait painter, he is second to none. 同類中最好的 同类中的第一(或最好)



1. of or relating to the education of young people between the ages of 11 and 18 2. (of the flight feathers of a bird's wing) growing from the ulna 3. a. being the part of an electric circuit, such as a transformer or induction coil, in which a current is induced by a changing current in a neighbouring coil b. (of a current) flowing in such a circuit 4. (of an industry) involving the manufacture of goods from raw materials 5. Geology (of minerals) formed by the alteration of pre-existing minerals 6. Chema. (of an organic compound) having a functional group attached to a carbon atom that is attached to one hydrogen atom and two other groups b. (of an amine) having only two organic groups attached to a nitrogen atom; containing the group NH c. (of a salt) derived from a tribasic acid by replacement of two acidic hydrogen atoms with metal atoms or electropositive groups 7. a secondary coil, winding, inductance, or current in an electric circuit 8. Ornithol any of the flight feathers that grow from the ulna of a bird's wing 9. Astronomy a celestial body that orbits around a specified primary body 10. Med a cancerous growth in some part of the body away from the site of the original tumour 11. American footballa. cornerbacks and safeties collectively b. their area in the field 12. short for secondary colour


1. see primary. 2. Short for secondary crater.


[′sek·ən‚der·ē] (electricity) Low-voltage conductors of a power distributing system. (electromagnetism) secondary winding (geology) A term with meanings that changed from early to late in the 19th century, when the term was confined to the entire Mesozoic era; it was finally replaced by Mesozoic era.



(sĕk′ən-dĕr′ē)adj.1. Second or lower in rank or importance; not primary: concerns that are secondary.2. Of, relating to, or being the shorter flight feathers projecting along the inner edge of a bird's wing.3. Being a degree of health care intermediate between primary care and tertiary care, as that typically offered at a community hospital.n. pl. secondar·ies 1. One that acts in an auxiliary, subordinate, or inferior capacity.2. One of the shorter flight feathers projecting along the inner edge of a bird's wing.
sec′ond·ar′i·ly (-dâr′ə-lē) adv.sec′ond·ar′i·ness n.


(1) Not primary; generally referring to that which follows another linked process.
(2) Metastatic, see there.
noun A metastatic focus of tumour.


adjective 1. Not primary; generally that which follows another linked process.2. Metastatic, see there.


(sek'ŏn-dar-ē) 1. Second in order. 2. Caused by another condition (e.g., a secondary infection caused by antibiotic treatment for a primary infection).


A disease or disorder that results from and follows another disease or a prior episode of the same disease. Secondary cancer is the occurrence of a METASTASIS at a site remote from that of the primary tumour. Since the tumour originated in a different tissue it may differ in character from a primary growth at the new site.


(sek'ŏn-dar-ē) 1. Second in order. 2. Caused by another condition (e.g., a secondary infection caused by antibiotic treatment for a primary infection).


Related to Secondary: secondary hypertension, secondary key, Secondary drowning, secondary memory

SECONDARY, construction. That which comes after the first, which is primary: as, the primary law of, nations the secondary law of nations.

SECONDARY, English law. An officer who is second or next to the chief officer; as secondaries to the prothonotaries of the courts of king's bench, or common pleas; secondary of the remembrancer in the exchequer, &c. Jacob, L. D. h.t.

FinancialSeeSecondSee SEC


Related to secondary: secondary hypertension, secondary key, Secondary drowning, secondary memory
  • all
  • adj
  • noun

Synonyms for secondary

adj subordinate


  • subordinate
  • minor
  • lesser
  • lower
  • inferior
  • unimportant
  • second-rate


  • head
  • major
  • chief
  • main
  • larger
  • prime
  • principal
  • more important
  • superior
  • cardinal

adj resultant


  • resultant
  • resulting
  • contingent
  • derived
  • derivative
  • indirect
  • second-hand
  • consequential


  • original
  • preceding

Synonyms for secondary

adj below another in standing or importance


  • inferior
  • junior
  • lesser
  • low
  • lower
  • minor
  • minor-league
  • petty
  • small
  • subaltern
  • subordinate
  • under
  • smalltime

adj used or held in reserve


  • auxiliary
  • backup
  • emergency
  • reserve
  • standby
  • supplemental
  • supplementary

adj stemming from an original source


  • derivational
  • derivative
  • derived

noun one belonging to a lower class or rank


  • inferior
  • junior
  • subaltern
  • subordinate
  • underling

Synonyms for secondary

noun the defensive football players who line up behind the linemen

Related Words

  • back
  • football team
  • eleven
  • formation

noun coil such that current is induced in it by passing a current through the primary coil


  • secondary coil
  • secondary winding

Related Words

  • coil
  • transformer

adj being of second rank or importance or value

Related Words

  • inessential
  • unessential
  • unoriginal


  • primary

adj inferior in rank or status


  • junior-grade
  • lower-ranking
  • petty
  • subaltern
  • lowly

Related Words

  • junior

adj depending on or incidental to what is original or primary

Related Words

  • incidental
  • incident

adj not of major importance

Related Words

  • minor

adj belonging to a lower class or rank

Related Words

  • subordinate
  • low-level




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