Popov, Nikolai

Popov, Nikolai Anatol’evich


Born Dec. 1 (13), 1899, in Moscow; died there Oct. 20, 1964. Soviet scientist in the field of building materials. Doctor of technical sciences (1939); Honored Worker in Science and Technology of the RSFSR (1959).

After graduating from the Moscow Institute of Railroad Engineers in 1922, Popov worked as an engineer in a number of construction institutions. From 1931 to 1935 he was a research worker at the Central Scientific Research Institute of Industrial Structures. In 1935 he became a professor and later a sub-department head at the V. V. Kuibyshev Moscow Construction Engineering Institute. Popov was the first to work out the theoretical foundations, production technology, and application methods for the structural use of light concretes with porous aggregates and for mortars with various additives. He was awarded three orders.


Novye vidy legkikh betonov. Moscow, 1939.
Stroitel’nye materialy. Moscow-Leningrad, 1941.
Gruntomaterialy ν stroitel’stve zdanii. Moscow, 1944.
Legkie avtoklavnye betony na poristykh zapolniteliakh. Moscow, 1963.