

单词 poppycock



P0447500 (pŏp′ē-kŏk′)n. Senseless talk; nonsense.
[Perhaps from an unattested American colonial Dutch use of Dutch poppekak, doll's excrement (in contemporary Dutch, found mostly in variants of the expression zo fijn als gemalen poppekak, excessively pious (literally, as fine as powdered doll's excrement)) : pop, doll (from Middle Dutch poppe, from Vulgar Latin *puppa, from Latin pūpa) + kak, excrement (from kakken, to defecate, from Middle Dutch kacken, from Latin cacāre; see kakka- in Indo-European roots).]


(ˈpɒpɪˌkɒk) ninformal senseless chatter; nonsense[C19: from Dutch dialect pappekak, literally: soft excrement, from pap soft + kak dung; see pap1]


(ˈpɒp iˌkɒk)

n. nonsense; foolishness. [1840–50, Amer.; perhaps < Dutch pappekak=pappe- pap1 + kak excrement]
Noun1.poppycock - senseless talk; "don't give me that stuff"hooey, stuff and nonsense, stuffhokum, meaninglessness, nonsense, nonsensicality, bunk - a message that seems to convey no meaningjargon, lingo, patois, argot, vernacular, slang, cant - a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves); "they don't speak our lingo"


noun (Informal) nonsense, rubbish, balls (taboo slang), bull (slang), shit (taboo slang), pants (informal), rot, crap (slang), garbage (informal), trash, bunk (informal), bullshit (taboo slang), hot air (informal), tosh (slang, chiefly Brit.), babble, bollocks (Brit. taboo slang), pap, cobblers (Brit. taboo slang), bilge (informal), drivel, twaddle, tripe (informal), gibberish, guff (slang), moonshine, baloney (informal), gobbledegook (informal), hogwash, hokum (slang, chiefly U.S. & Canad.), bunkum (chiefly U.S.), piffle (informal), balderdash, bosh (informal), eyewash (informal), hooey (slang), tommyrot, horsefeathers (U.S. slang) Experts dismiss this explanation as poppycock.


nounSomething that does not have or make sense:balderdash, blather, bunkum, claptrap, drivel, garbage, idiocy, nonsense, piffle, rigmarole, rubbish, tomfoolery, trash, twaddle.Informal: tommyrot.Slang: applesauce, baloney, bilge, bull, bunk, crap, hooey, malarkey.



old-fashioned Foolish, nonsensical prattle. A: "There's no way we can beat them." B: "Poppycock! We just have to dig deep and give it our all!" He believes we can solve the energy crisis by giving everyone in the country a free bicycle. Have you ever heard such poppycock in your life?


n. nonsense. (From Dutch.) That’s nothing but poppycock.


  • noun

Synonyms for poppycock

noun nonsense


  • nonsense
  • rubbish
  • balls
  • bull
  • shit
  • pants
  • rot
  • crap
  • garbage
  • trash
  • bunk
  • bullshit
  • hot air
  • tosh
  • babble
  • bollocks
  • pap
  • cobblers
  • bilge
  • drivel
  • twaddle
  • tripe
  • gibberish
  • guff
  • moonshine
  • baloney
  • gobbledegook
  • hogwash
  • hokum
  • bunkum
  • piffle
  • balderdash
  • bosh
  • eyewash
  • hooey
  • tommyrot
  • horsefeathers

Synonyms for poppycock

noun something that does not have or make sense


  • balderdash
  • blather
  • bunkum
  • claptrap
  • drivel
  • garbage
  • idiocy
  • nonsense
  • piffle
  • rigmarole
  • rubbish
  • tomfoolery
  • trash
  • twaddle
  • tommyrot
  • applesauce
  • baloney
  • bilge
  • bull
  • bunk
  • crap
  • hooey
  • malarkey

Synonyms for poppycock

noun senseless talk


  • hooey
  • stuff and nonsense
  • stuff

Related Words

  • hokum
  • meaninglessness
  • nonsense
  • nonsensicality
  • bunk
  • jargon
  • lingo
  • patois
  • argot
  • vernacular
  • slang
  • cant




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