

单词 rme



abbreviation for 1. (Automotive Engineering) rape or rapeseed methyl ester: a fuel derived from rapeseed oil 2. (Education) religious and moral education

MedicalSeerapid maxillary expansion


RMERevolution Money Exchange (online payment system)
RMEReusable Medical Equipment
RMEResource Manager Essentials
RMEReal Mode Emulator
RMEResource Manager Essentials (Cisco)
RMEReligious and Moral Education (UK)
RMERisk Management Education
RMEReasonable Maximum Exposure
RMERape Methyl Ester (alternative fuel)
RMERealistic Mathematics Education
RMEResponsible Managing Employee
RMEReceptor-Mediated Endocytosis (mutant lipoprotein receptor)
RMERecording Media & Energy (Sony)
RMERolling My Eyes (internet chat)
RMERapid Maxillary Expansion (orthodontics)
RMERapeseed-Oil Methyl Ester (replacement for petroleum diesel)
RMERoyal Marine Engineers (UK)
RMERich Media Environment (mobile applications)
RMERelay Mirror Experiment
RMEResponsible Management Entity (business model)
RMERapid Medical Evaluation
RMERadiation Monitoring Equipment (Space Shuttle)
RMERecruitment Made Easy (South Africa)
RMERadiation Monitoring Experiment
RMEReading Made Easy
RMERevenu Minimum Etudiant (French: Minimum Student Income)
RMERaytheon Microelectronics España (Spanish)
RMERequired Medical Exam (workers' compensation)
RMEResonant Mode Expansion
RMERedcell Management Essentials (software)
RMERadio Manufacturing Engineers
RMERelationship Modeling Engine (Banter)
RMEResting Metabolic Expenditure
RMERocky Mountain Extreme (forum)
RMERussian Mobile Entertainment Company
RMERemote Method Execution (internal protocol used by system servers)
RMERami Medical Establishment (Yemen)
RMEReduced Matrix Equation(s)
RMERemote Maintenance Equipment
RMERegional Management Executive
RMEResponsible Maintainability Engineers
RMERemovable Mission Equipment
RMERapid Muscle Elongation (equine medical therapy)
RMERéseau Mondial d'Echange (French: Global Exchange Network)




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