secondary immunodeficiency

sec·on·dar·y im·mu·no·de·fi·cien·cy

immunodeficiency with no evident defect in the lymphoid tissues, but rather hypercatabolism or loss of immunoglobulins such as occurs in familial idiopathic hypercatabolic hypoproteinemia, protein-losing enteropathy, nephrotic syndrome, uremia, malnutrition, infection, diabetes, or malignancy. Synonym(s): secondary agammaglobulinemia, secondary hypogammaglobulinemia

sec·on·dary im·mu·no·de·fi·cien·cy

(sekŏn-dār-ē imyū-nō-dĕ-fishĕn-sē) Form with no evident defect in the lymphoid tissues, but rather hypercatabolism or loss of immunoglobulins.
Synonym(s): secondary agammaglobulinemia, secondary hypogammaglobulinemia.