Student Population
Student Population
the totality of students enrolled in higher educational institutions. The term “student population” (in Russian, studenchestvo) may designate (1) students as a so-ciodemographic group, with a certain numerical, age, and sex composition, territorial distribution, and other characteristics, (2) the specific social position, role, and status of students, or (3) the particular stage of socialization—namely, the student phase—that large portion of youth passes through and that is characterized by distinct sociopsychological features.
Students emerged as a distinct group in 12th-century Europe, with the formation of the first universities. The students of the Middle Ages were extremely heterogeneous, both in social standing and in age. With the development of capitalism and the growing significance of higher education, students began to play an ever greater role in society. In addition to being a source of replenishment for the professional ranks and the intelligentsia, students themselves make up a rather numerous and important social group. Although high costs and a whole set of social barriers made higher education accessible in most instances only to the well-to-do, and while such education in turn granted significant privileges to its beneficiaries, by the 19th and early 20th centuries students already displayed a high level of political activism and played an important role in social life.
In 1903, V. I. Lenin wrote that students “are the most responsive section of the intelligentsia, and the intelligentsia are so called because they most consciously, most resolutely, and most accurately reflect and express the development of class interests and political groupings in society as a whole. The students would not be what they are if their political grouping did not correspond to the political grouping of society as a whole—‘correspond’ not in the sense of the student groups and the social groups being absolutely proportionate in strength and numbers, but in the sense of the necessary and inevitable existence among the students of the same groups as in society” (Poln. sobr. soch, 5th ed., vol. 7, p. 343).
The scientific and technological revolution resulted in major shifts in the standing and composition of the student population. Everywhere, the need for educated personnel stimulated rapid growth both in the absolute number of students and in their proportion to the total population, particularly to their own age group. Between 1950 and late 1966, the number of all the world’s students in institutions of higher learning increased by a factor of 3.2. In 1913 the number of students per 10,000 inhabitants in Europe varied between 7 and 11, whereas in 1934 it ranged from 11 to 30. More recently, this proportion has increased as follows: in the United States, 273 students per 10,000 inhabitants (1971–72 academic year); in the USSR, 186 (1973–74); in France, 132 (1970–71); in Italy, 118 (1972–73); in Great Britain, 94 (1971–72); and in the Federal Republic of Germany, 66 (1971–72). The number of students in the developing countries is growing rapidly. As institutions of higher learning expand, there is increasing concentration of students, with ever greater numbers living on campuses. More and more, higher education is acquiring a mass character, which undermines its former elitism, and is creating a student population that is more democratic in its social origin. There are also noticeable changes in the sex and age composition of the student population, with a particular increase in the number of women.
Despite differences in their social origins and consequently in their material opportunities, students are linked together by common pursuits, and in this sense they form a distinct socio-occupa-tional group. Their shared activity, combined with their territorial concentration, gives rise to a certain identity, to group consciousness, and to a specific subculture and way of life, further enhanced by the group’s homogeneity in terms of age—something lacking in other socio-occupational groups. Students’ sociopsychological sense of community is externalized and reinforced through activity in a whole range of political, cultural, and educational student organizations and through sports and other student activities.
However, despite these common features, students are not a socially homogeneous population, and there is no basis for regarding them as a social class, as proposed by some Western sociologists—for example, I. L. Horowitz and W. H. Friedland of the United States. The student population does not constitute a permanent sector of the work force. The social position and specific problems of students are determined by a given social structure and depend on the level of a country’s socioeconomic and cultural development, including the specific features of that country’s system of higher education.
In the capitalist countries, despite the significant growth in the number of students, higher education remains class-determined. Inflation, the rising cost of higher education, the shortage and inadequacy of scholarships, and the unpreparedness of the institutions for the influx of students are some of the factors whose effect is more severe among the poorer strata of society. In the higher educational institutions, the children of working-class and especially of peasant families are significantly fewer as compared to other strata, and they also drop out more often. In many countries, including the developing nations, the content of education does not correspond to life’s demands, and an archaic system of higher education—particularly when biased in favor of the humanities—fails to ensure a supply of trained specialists of the type required by the national economy. In other countries, such as the United States, oversaturation of the labor market results in high unemployment among professional personnel. This affects the students’ situation and attitudes and arouses them to protest.
In the socialist countries, students represent the vanguard of youth. While the population of the USSR increased by 55 percent between 1922 and 1972, the number of students in higher educational institutions increased by a factor of 21. In the 1940–41 academic year, there were 812,000 students in the USSR, while in 1973–74 there were 4.621 million. The number of specialists graduating each year rose correspondingly, from 126,100 in 1940 to 692,300 in 1973. The greater proportion of women in the student population, rising from 28 percent in 1927–28 to 50 percent in 1973–74, has been a significant achievement. The systematic increase in funds available for student stipends is only one of the measures being adopted to improve the students’ financial security. Preparatory courses, workers’ schools (rabfaki), and entrance regulations aim to facilitate the admission of working-class and peasant youth to higher educational institutions and to ensure equality of social opportunities for all classes and social groups. In addition to their scholastic pursuits, the students display a high degree of social activism by participating in the nation’s sociopolitical and working life—for example, in the summer work semester and in Komsomol activities. The Communist Party and the Soviet government devote much attention to improvements in the educational system, as well as to the political and ideological training of students and stimulation of their interest in independent scientific and scholarly work and expansion of their cultural horizons.
Rubin, B. G., and Iu. S. Kolesnikov. Student glazami sotsiologa. Rostov-on-Don, 1968.Kon, I. S. “Studenchestvo na Zapade kak sotsial’naia gruppa.” Voprosyfilosofii, 1971, no. 9.
Molodezh’ i obrazovanie. Moscow, 1972.
Turchenko, V. N. Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia revoliutsiia i revoliutsiia v obrazovanii. Moscow, 1973.
Ikonnikova, S. N. Molodezh’: Sotsiologicheskii i sotsial’no-psikhologicheskii analiz. Leningrad, 1974.
Lisovskii, V. T., and A. V. Dmitriev. Lichnosl’ studenta. Leningrad, 1974.
Parsons, T., and G. M. Platt. The American University, 2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass., 1974.
See also references under YOUTH.
Among the socialist transformations effected during the prewar five-year plans (1929–40) with the assistance of Soviet students were the country’s industrialization, the collectivization of agriculture, and the cultural revolution, including the establishment of universal seven-year schools and the elimination of illiteracy. Thousands of students gave help to enterprises, construction projects, kolkhozes, and sovkhozes. The Komsomol organizations within the higher educational institutions devoted their attention primarily to improving educational procedures and political training, combining theoretical studies with production work, and developing scientific research. The 1930’s saw the creation by Soviet students of their own self-supporting “practical planning brigades,” which were based on profit-and-loss accounting, and of study groups associated with school subdepartments. In the 1940’s these brigades and study groups were among those that were joined together into student scientific and scholarly societies and student design offices.
During the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45, there were 240,000 students in the Soviet Army. In June 1941, more than 1,000 students of Moscow State University went to the front as volunteers. In the country’s 460 higher educational institutions, 150,000 students combined study with work, united under the slogan “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” A student section of the Antifascist Committee of Soviet Youth (which in 1956 became the Student Council of the USSR) was formed in Moscow in 1941. When the war ended, 30,000 frontline soldiers entered the higher educational institutions, exerting substantial influence on student youth with their principled attitude, political activism, and industriousness.
The late 1950’s gave birth to student construction detachments. Students spend their summer vacations working on industrial and agricultural projects, laying electrical cables, building railroads and highways, homes, schools, hospitals, and clubs, or working in trade, services, and transport. There were more than 600,000 students working in such detachments in 1974. Joint work with industrial and kolkhoz workers has become a sociopolitical and labor training ground for the specialists of the future.
In the 1960’s and 1970’s, Soviet students participated in the creation of young lecturers’ schools and of departments for training in the public and social professions; they also helped organize nationwide student agitation campaigns, as well as nationwide competitions for student works on social science subjects, on the history of the Komsomol, and on the international youth movement. An all-Union student rally was held in Moscow on Oct. 19–20, 1971. Between 1972 and 1974, more than 1.5 million students participated in the fifth all-Union competition, which marked the 50th anniversary of the Komsomol’s assumption of V. I. Lenin’s name as part of its own (86,000 students participated in the first competition, during the academic year 1966–67). All-Union olympiads on the role of students in scientific and technological progress have been held since 1973. Students are becoming more active in the area of scientific research; between 1971 and 1974 they obtained more than 5,300 copyrights and patents and contributed to the implementation of more than 70,000 production projects.
Students participate in the organization of public preparatory courses for those seeking admission to higher educational institutions. There are student members in the people’s supervisory groups, among others. Student organizations have their own representatives in the Council on Higher Schools of the Ministry of Higher Education of the USSR, in the councils of rectors of educational institutions, and in the scientific, technical, cultural, athletic, and other social organizations concerned with students’ learning activities, living conditions, work, and leisure. Studencheskii meridian (Student Meridian), a magazine devoted to sociopolitical questions, literature, and the arts, is published in the USSR. Soviet students have their own sports society, Burevestnik (Stormy Petrel).
The Komsomol organizations, which play an important role in Soviet student life, included among their members more than 95 percent of those enrolled in higher educational institutions in 1974, as compared to 19.2 percent in 1928 and 32.5 percent in 1935.
Throughout the history of the Soviet state, Soviet students have been active in the international progressive student movement. They were part of the Communist Youth International from 1919 to 1943 and fought for the creation of an antifascist youth front during World War II. The Student Council of the USSR cooperates with student organizations of more than 100 countries. Soviet student representatives participate in the work of the International Union of Students and in joint activities with the World Federation of Democratic Youth, such as the annual observance of International Students’ Day and the World Festivals of Youth and Students. Soviet students attend the international summer and winter World Student Games, student camps, and other such gatherings.
Between 1970 and 1974, more than 4,000 students were awarded orders and medals of the USSR for outstanding scholarship, social activism, and selfless labor. More than 1,000 students are deputies to the supreme soviets of the Union republics and to local soviets of people’s deputies.
Komsomol i vysshaia shkola: Sb. dokumentov i materialov. Moscow, 1968.Komsomol v vuze. Moscow, 1973.
Vsesoiuznyi slet studentov. Moscow, 1971.
Dokumenty i materialy. Moscow, 1972.
Studenty-nasledniki revoliutsii: Vstrecha studentov sotsialisticheskikh stran. Moscow, 1975.