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spermatocyte [sper-mat´o-sīt] the mother cell of a spermatid.primary spermatocyte the original large diploid cell into which a spermatogonium develops; it can later undergo the first meiotic division into the secondary spermatocyte.secondary spermatocyte a haploid cell produced by meiotic division of the primary spermatocyte; it can then develop into the spermatid.sec·on·dar·y sper·ma·to·cytethe spermatocyte derived from a primary spermatocyte by the first meiotic division; each secondary spermatocyte produces two spermatids by the second meiotic division.sec·on·dar·y sper·mat·o·cyte (sek'ŏn-dar-ē spĕr-mat'ō-sīt) The spermatocyte derived from a primary spermatocyte by the first meiotic division; each secondary spermatocyte produces two spermatids by the second meiotic division. |