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pair of compasses
pair of compassesn. See compass.com•pass (ˈkʌm pəs) n. 1. an instrument for determining directions, as by means of a freely rotating magnetized needle that indicates magnetic north. 2. Often, compasses. an instrument for drawing or describing circles, measuring distances, etc., consisting generally of two hinged, movable legs (often used with pair of). 3. the enclosing line or limits of any area; perimeter. 4. space within limits; scope: the broad compass of the novel. 5. the total range of tones of a voice or of a musical instrument. 6. due or proper limits; moderate bounds: to act within the compass of propriety. 7. a passing round; circuit: the compass of a year. adj. 8. curved; forming a curve or arc: a compass roof. v.t. 9. to go or move around; make the circuit of: to compass the city on foot. 10. to extend or stretch around; surround; encircle: A stone wall compasses the property. 11. to attain or achieve; accomplish; obtain. 12. to contrive; plot; scheme. 13. to make curved or circular. 14. to comprehend; grasp, as with the mind. [1250–1300; (v.) Middle English < Old French compasser to measure < Vulgar Latin *compāssāre, v. derivative of *compāssus equal step (Latin com- com- + pāssus pace1); (n.) Middle English < Old French, derivative of compasser] com′pass•a•ble, adj. Translations EncyclopediaSeeCompassThesaurusSeecompass |