Artari, Aleksandr Petrovich

Artari, Aleksandr Petrovich


Born 1862, in Moscow; died Apr. 7, 1919, in Moscow. Russian botanist; student of I. N. Gorozhankin.

Artari audited courses at Moscow University and worked at the University of Basel and later at the University of Leipzig. From the time he returned to Moscow until his death he was an instructor and the director of the sub-department of botany at the Moscow Higher Technical School; at the same time, he was an assistant professor at Moscow University. He was one of the first scientists in Russia to work with pure cultures of water plants. He studied the feeding of organic substances to Chlorophyceae in conditions that exclude photosynthesis, and also the influences of salt solution on growth rate, form, and so on.


Russkie botaniki: Biografo-bibliograficheskii slovar’, vol. 1. Compiled by S. Iu. Lipshits. Moscow, 1947. Pages 78–80.