tension pneumothorax

ten·sion pneu·mo·thor·ax

a pneumothorax in which air enters the pleural cavity and is trapped during expiration; intrathoracic pressure builds to levels higher than atmospheric pressure, compresses the lung, and may displace the mediastinum and its structures toward the opposite side, with consequent cardiopulmonary impairment. Synonym(s): pressure pneumothorax

tension pneumothorax

A life-threatening emergency caused by air under pressure in the pleural space due to a one-way valve mechanism, which allows increased entry of air and eventually complete lung collapse on the affected side, accompanied by mediastinal shift of thoracic organs (heart, trachea, oesophagus) and great vessels towards the unaffected side of the chest, and compression of the opposite lung with compromise in the return flow of blood to the heart.
Penetrating trauma to the chest, infection, mechanical ventilation with high pressures, and as a complication of CPR.
Chest tube drainage, or pleurodesis.

tension pneumothorax

Critical care A life-threatening emergency consisting of air under pressure in the pleural space, due to a one-way valve type mechanism, allowing ↑ entry of air and eventually complete lung collapse on the affected side, which is acompanied by mediastinal shift of thoracic organs–heart, trachea, esophagus, and great vessels towards the unaffected side of the chest, and compression of the opposite lung with compromise in the return flow of blood to the heart Etiology Penetrating trauma to the chest, infection, mechanical ventilation with high pressures, and as a complication of CPR Management Chest tube drainage, or pleurodesis. See Pneumothorax.