

单词 vertical transmission
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vertical transmission

vertical transmission

[′vərd·ə·kəl tranz′mish·ən] (genetics) Passage of genetic information from one cell or individual organism to its progeny by conventional heredity mechanisms.

vertical transmission


 [trans-mish´un] 1. a passage or transfer, as of a disease from one individual to another, or of neural impulses from one neuron to another.2. the communication of inheritable qualities from parent to offspring.horizontal transmission the spread of an infectious agent from one individual to another, usually through contact with bodily excretions or fluids, such as sputum or blood, that contain the agent.vertical transmission transmission from one generation to another. The term is restricted by some to genetic transmission and extended by others to include also transmission of infection from one generation to the next, as by milk or through the placenta.

ver·ti·cal trans·mis·sion

1. transmission of a virus (for example, RNA tumor virus) by means of the genetic apparatus of a cell in which the viral genome is integrated; 2. for infectious agents in general, transmission of an agent from an individual to its offspring, that is, from one generation to the next. Compare: horizontal transmission.

vertical transmission

Epidemiology Mother-to-child transmission The transmission of an infection through the placenta to the fetus, as occurs in the 'TORCH' infections–toxoplasmosis, rubella, CMV, herpes, syphilis, and HIV. Cf Hereditary transmission, Horizontal transmission.

ver·ti·cal trans·mis·sion

(vĕr'ti-kăl trans-mish'ŭn) 1. Passing a virus (e.g., RNA tumor virus) by means of the genetic apparatus of a cell in which the viral genome is integrated. 2. For infectious agents in general, transmission of an agent from an individual to its offspring. i.e., from one generation to the next.
Compare: horizontal transmission

vertical transmission

Transmission, as of a hereditary characteristic or of a disease, from parent to offspring. Horizontal transmission is transmission between contemporaries or individuals of the same generation.

ver·ti·cal trans·mis·sion

(vĕr'ti-kăl trans-mish'ŭn) 1. Passing a virus by means of the genetic apparatus of a cell in which the viral genome is integrated. 2. For infectious agents in general, transmission of an agent from an individual to its offspring.




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