

单词 spoils system

spoils system

spoils system

(spoilz)n. The postelection practice of rewarding loyal supporters of the winning candidates and party with appointive public offices.

spoils system

n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) chiefly US the practice of filling appointive public offices with friends and supporters of the ruling political party. Compare merit system

spoils′ sys`tem

n. the practice in which nonelective public offices are filled with supporters of the victorious political party.

spoils system

The practice engaged in by a newly-elected government of rewarding its supporters with appointments to government office.
Noun1.spoils system - the system of employing and promoting civil servants who are friends and supporters of the group in powersystem of rules, system - a complex of methods or rules governing behavior; "they have to operate under a system they oppose"; "that language has a complex system for indicating gender"merit system - the system of employing and promoting civil servants on the basis of ability

spoils system

spoils system,

in U.S. history, the practice of giving appointive offices to loyal members of the party in power. The name supposedly derived from a speech by Senator William Learned MarcyMarcy, William Learned,
1786–1857, American politician, b. Southbridge, Mass. He settled in Troy, N.Y., where he practiced law and, after serving in the War of 1812, held local offices.
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 in which he stated, "to the victor belong the spoils." On a national scale, the spoils system was inaugurated with the development of two political parties, the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans, and was used by the earliest Presidents, particularly Thomas Jefferson. The system soon became entrenched in state politics and was practiced more extensively on a national scale during the administration of Andrew JacksonJackson, Andrew,
1767–1845, 7th President of the United States (1829–37), b. Waxhaw settlement on the border of South Carolina and North Carolina (both states claim him). Early Career

A child of the backwoods, he was left an orphan at 14.
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, who declared (1829) that the federal government would be bettered by having civil servants rotate in office. He replaced incumbent officeholders with members of his own party. Nevertheless, during Jackson's eight years in office not more than one fifth of officeholders were replaced. The dispensation of offices by strict party allegiance was followed in succeeding years and critical opposition grew. The corruption and inefficiency bred by the system reached staggering proportions in the administration of Ulysses S. Grant, and reaction against this helped bring about civil servicecivil service,
entire body of those employed in the civil administration as distinct from the military and excluding elected officials. The term was used in designating the British administration of India, and its first application elsewhere was in 1854 in England.
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 reform, which was inaugurated by creation of the Civil Service Commission in 1871. The spoils system has, however, continued for many federal offices and is even more prevalent in state and local governments.


See A. A. Hoogenboom, Outlawing the Spoils (1968); W. d. Foulk, Fighting the Spoilsmen (1974).

spoils system

Related to spoils system: Rotation in office
  • noun

Antonyms for spoils system

noun the system of employing and promoting civil servants who are friends and supporters of the group in power

Related Words

  • system of rules
  • system


  • merit system




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