second pharyngeal arch cartilage

second pharyngeal arch cartilage

the cartilage in the mesenchyme of the second pharyngeal arch in the embryo from which the stapes, styloid process, lesser horn and upper part of the body of the hyoid bone; its proximal end gives rise to the stylohyoid ligament. Synonym(s): hyoid cartilage, Reichert cartilage

sec·ond pha·ryn·ge·al arch car·ti·lage

(sek'ŏnd făr-in'jē-ăl ahrch kahr'ti-lăj) A cartilage in the mesenchyme of the second pharyngeal arch in the embryo, from which develop the stapes, styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, and lesser cornu (horn).
Synonym(s): Reichert cartilage.

sec·ond pha·ryn·ge·al arch car·ti·lage

(sek'ŏnd făr-in'jē-ăl ahrch kahr'ti-lăj) A cartilage in the mesenchyme of the second pharyngeal arch in the embryo, from which develop the stapes, styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, and lesser cornu (horn).
Synonym(s): Reichert cartilage.