Acronym | Definition |
RNG➣Range |
RNG➣Random Number Generator |
RNG➣Renewable Natural Gas |
RNG➣Ranger (Everquest) |
RNG➣Relax NG (filename extension, schema language for XML) |
RNG➣Radio Network Gateway |
RNG➣Army National Guard (usually seen as ARNG) |
RNG➣Renormalization Group (theory used with k-epsilon turbulence models) |
RNG➣Raising the Next Generation Program (Massachusetts) |
RNG➣Relative Neighborhood Graph |
RNG➣Random Number God |
RNG➣Rangeace |
RNG➣Real Next-Generation (Comcast) |
RNG➣Roundnose Grenadier (FAO species name code) |
RNG➣Really Nice Guy |
RNG➣Reconfigurable Network Group |
RNG➣Random NetHack God |
RNG➣Radioactive Noble Gas |