palatoglossal arch

pal·a·to·glos·sal arch

[TA] one of a pair of ridges or folds of mucous membrane passing from the soft palate to the side of the tongue; it encloses the palatoglossus muscle and forms the anterior margin of the tonsillar fossa. Also demarcates the oral cavity from the isthmus of fauces. Synonym(s): arcus palatoglossus [TA], anterior pillar of fauces ☆ , plica anterior faucium ☆ , anterior palatine arch, arcus glossopalatinus, glossopalatine arch, glossopalatine fold

pal·a·to·glos·sal arch

(pal'ă-tō-glos'ăl ahrch) [TA] One of a pair of ridges or folds of mucous membrane passing from the soft palate to the side of the tongue; it encloses the palatoglossus muscle and forms the anterior margin of the tonsillar fossa. Also demarcates the oral cavity from the isthmus of fauces.

pal·a·to·glos·sal arch

(pal'ă-tō-glos'ăl ahrch) [TA] One of a pair of ridges of mucous membrane passing from soft palate to side oftongue; encloses palatoglossus muscle andforms anterior margin of tonsillar fossa.
Synonym(s): anterior palatine arch, anterior pillar of fauces.