palatopharyngeus (muscle)

pal·a·to·pha·ryn·ge·us (mus·cle)

[TA] origin, soft palate; forms the posterior pillar of the fauces or tonsillar fossa; insertion, posterior border of thyroid cartilage and aponeurosis of pharynx as it becomes part of the inner longitudinal muscle layer of the pharynx; action, narrows fauces, depresses soft palate, elevates pharynx and larynx; nerve supply, pharyngeal plexus (cranial root of accessory nerve). Synonym(s): musculus palatopharyngeus [TA], musculus pharyngopalatinus, palatopharyngeal (muscle), palatopharyngeus, pharyngopalatinus, pharyngostaphylinus

pal·a·to·pha·ryn·ge·us (mus·cle)

(pal'ă-tō-fă-rin'jē-us mŭs'ĕl) [TA] Origin, soft palate; forms the posterior pillar of the fauces or tonsillar fossa; insertion, posterior border of thyroid cartilage and aponeurosis of pharynx; action, narrows fauces, depresses soft palate, elevates pharynx and larynx; nerve supply, pharyngeal plexus (cranial root of accessory nerve).
Synonym(s): musculus palatopharyngeus [TA] , palatopharyngeal muscle.

pal·a·to·pha·ryn·ge·us (mus·cle)

(pal'ă-tō-fă-rin'jē-us mŭs'ĕl) [TA] Origin, soft palate; forms the posterior pillar of the fauces or tonsillar fossa; insertion, posterior border of thyroid cartilage and aponeurosis of pharynx; action, narrows fauces, depresses soft palate, elevates pharynx and larynx; nerve supply, pharyngeal plexus (cranial root of accessory nerve).
Synonym(s): musculus palatopharyngeus [TA] .