

 [hem″e-bah-liz´mus] violent motor restlessness of half of the body, most marked in the upper limbs.


(bal-iz'mŭs), A type of involuntary movement affecting the proximal limb musculature, manifested in jerking, flinging movements of the extremity; caused by a lesion of or near the contralateral subthalamic nucleus. Usually only one side of the body is involved, resulting in hemiballismus. Synonym(s): ballism [G. ballismos, a jumping about]


(bă-liz'mŭs) A type of involuntary movement affecting the proximal limb musculature, manifested as jerking, flinging movements of the extremity; caused by a lesion of or near the contralateral subthalamic nucleus. Usually only one side of the body is involved,resulting in hemiballismus. [G. ballismos, a jumping about]