

 [ra´de-al] 1. radiating; spreading outward from a common center.2. pertaining to a radius" >radius.3. pertaining to the radial (lateral) aspect of the arm as opposed to the ulnar (medial) aspect.radial artery an artery in the forearm, wrist, and hand; the one usually used for taking the pulse.


(rā'dē-ăl), 1. Relating to the radius (bone of the forearm), to any structures named from it, or to the radial or lateral aspect of the upper limb compared with the ulnar or medial aspect. Synonym(s): radialis [TA]2. Relating to any radius. 3. Radiating; diverging in all directions from any given center. [L. radialis, fr. radius, ray, lateral bone of the forearm]