

单词 roa



 right occipitoanterior (position of the fetus).


(), Abbreviation for right occipitoanterior position.


ROA (1)

See: Return on assets

ROA (2)

See: Right of accumulation


1. Right of accumulation. In loaded mutual funds, the right of a shareholder to pay a reduced load (or sales fee) when he/she purchases more than a certain a dollar amount of the mutual fund. The dollar amount is known as the breakpoint. For example, if the breakpoint for a certain mutual fund is $50,000; an investor has the right to reduce the load by, say, half when he/she invests more than $50,000 in the fund. It thus becomes advantageous for the investor to invest $50,000 instead of, say, $45,000, because this will entitle him/her to half the load for the entire investment, and not just for the amount invested past $50,000. Mutual funds that allow investors to buy at just below the breakpoint may run afoul of Financial Industry Regulatory Authority regulations. The right of accumulation is not limited to a single investment; an investor putting two tranches of $25,000 into the above mutual fund will usually find his excess load refunded.

2. Return on assets. A measure of how efficiently a company is using its assets in order to produce a profit. It is calculated by taking the aftertax profit over a given period of time and dividing by the value of the net assets. A higher return on assets is seen as a sign of stronger financial health. See also: Earning power.


See return on assets.


ROAReport(s) Of Audit
ROAReturn On Assets
ROARole of Abstraction (software)
ROARivals of Aether (gaming)
ROARehabilitation of Offenders Act (UK)
ROARadius of Gyration (structural engineering)
ROAReserve Officers Association
ROARod of Ages (video game)
ROARegister of Actions (various locations)
ROARemote Object Activation
ROARemote Overvoltage Adjust
ROARead Only Attribute
ROARules of Allocation (US Army)
ROARecord on Appeal (legal filing)
ROARegional Office for Africa (various organizations)
ROAResource-Oriented Architecture (software implementation)
ROARecord of Achievement
ROARoute Origin Authorization (Internet)
ROAReal Options Analysis
ROARoute of Administration (pharmacology)
ROARights of Accumulation
ROARetired Officers Association
ROARaman Optical Activity (Spectroscopy)
ROARemotely Operated Aircraft
ROAReciprocal of America
ROARecognized Operating Agency (ITU-T M 3000)
ROAResearch Opportunity Award
ROAReceived On Account
ROARest of Africa
ROARivers of America (Disneyland & Magic Kingdom)
ROARadius of Action
ROARiviera Owners Association (Buick Riveria model; Altoona, IA)
ROARoanoke, VA, USA - Roanoke Regional Airport (Airport Code)
ROARegurgitant Orifice Area (cardiology)
ROARip Off Artist
ROARestricted Operations Area (military)
ROARusskaya Osvoboditel'naya Armiya (Russian: Russian Liberation Army)
ROARight Occipito Anterior (fetal position)
ROAResearch Opportunity Announcement
ROARadio Orphan Annie
ROARealms of Adventure (game)
ROARead Only Area
ROARegimental Officers Academy
ROAReeks of Awesomeness (online slang)
ROARunning on Arrival (elevator industry)
ROARecord of Assembly
ROAReports of Availability (US Army)
ROAReimbursable Obligation Authority
ROAReorder Announcement
ROARecursive Operability Analysis
ROARomance of Antiquity (class; University of Toronto Schools; Canada)
ROAReliability Output Algorithm
ROARegion Occupancy Analysis
ROARéalisation Ouest Aménagement (French housing development company)
ROARemington Old Army (pistol)




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