

 [pa″le-o-thal´ah-mus] the phylogenetically older part of the thalamus, i.e., the medial portion which lacks reciprocal connections with the neopallium.


(pā'lē-ō-thal'ă-mŭs), The intralaminar nuclei, believed to have been the earliest components of the thalamus to evolve; they lack reciprocal connections with the isocortex.


An obsolete term for what was regarded as the phylogentically oldest component of the thalamus (the midline nuclei). Because reciprocal connections are now known to exist between the former paleothalamus and the former neothalamus (the dorso- and ventrolateral nuclei), both terms have fallen into disfavour.


(pā'lē-ō-thal'ă-mŭs) The intralaminar nuclei, believed to be the earliest components of the thalamus to have evolved; they lack reciprocal connections with the isocortex.