radiation temperature

radiation temperature

See effective temperature.

Radiation Temperature


(Tr), a physical parameter characterizing the total (for all wavelengths) radiant emittance Be of a radiating body. It is equal to the temperature of a black-body at which the blackbody’s emittance Radiation Temperature.

The laws of thermal radiation permit the expression Radiation Temperature to be written in the form Radiation Temperature, where ∊T is the emissivity of the body, σ the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, and T the absolute temperature of the body. If the value of ∊T is known and the temperature Tr has been measured (with a radiation pyrometer), it is possible to calculate the temperature of the body by the relation T = TrT–¼ For thermal radiation of all bodies other than a blackbody, ∊T < 1; therefore, Tr < T. In the case of luminescence, however, Tr may be greater than T.


Gordov, A. N. Osnovy pirometrii, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1971.