Portal, Charles Frederick Algernon
Portal, Charles Frederick Algernon
Born May 21, 1893, in Hungerford, Berkshire; died Apr. 22, 1971, in Chichester, Sussex. Viscount (1946), British military figure, marshal of the Royal Air Force (1944).
Upon graduating from Oxford University in 1914, Portal joined the army and was a pilot in World War I (1914–18). He was chief of a department of the Air Ministry in 1937–38 and became a member of the Air Council in 1939. He took over the Bomber Command at the beginning of World War II (1939–45). In October 1940, Portal became chief of the air staff and virtual commander in chief of the air force. After retiring from the service in 1946, he worked for atomic energy control agencies and was director of one of the biggest British banks.