Section aad3, Mental Health Act 1983 LCREM
Section aad3, Mental Health Act 1983 LCREM
The section of the UK’s Mental Health Act 1983 which guides the period of treatment (up to 6 months) of a person with (serious) mental illness. Section 3 requires that the exact mental disorder must be stated; detention is renewable for a further 6 months (annually thereafter).Two doctors must sign the appropriate forms and know why treatment in the community is contra-indicated. They must have seen the patient within 24 hours and there may not be more than 5 clear days between the time the first doctor saw the patient and the time when the second doctor saw the patient. The doctors must state that treatment is likely to benefit the patient or prevent deterioration, or that it is necessary for the health or safety of the patient or the protection of others. The Approved Mental Health Professional has 14 days after the second doctor has signed his or her recommendation in which to make an application to hospital.