

 [pal″es-the´zhah] sensibility to vibrations; the peculiar vibrating sensation felt when a vibrating tuning-fork is placed against a subcutaneous bony prominence of the body. adj., adj pallesthet´ic.


(pal'es-thē'zē-ă), The appreciation of vibration, a form of pressure sense; most acute when a vibrating tuning fork is applied over a bony prominence. Synonym(s): bone sensibility, pallesthetic sensibility, vibratory sensibility [G. pallō, to quiver, + aisthēsis, sensation]


(pal'es-thē'zē-ă) The appreciation of vibration, a form of pressure sense; most acute when a vibrating tuning fork is applied over a bony prominence.
Synonym(s): pallaesthesia.
[G. pallō, to quiver, + aisthēsis, sensation]


(pal'es-thē'zē-ă) Appreciation of vibration.
Synonym(s): pallaesthesia.
[G. pallō, to quiver, + aisthēsis, sensation]