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radiculectomy EncyclopediaSeerhizotomyradiculectomy
rhi·zot·o·my (rī-zot'ŏ-mē), Section of the spinal nerve roots for the relief of pain or spastic paralysis. Synonym(s): radicotomy, radiculectomy [G. rhiza, root, + tomē, section] radiculectomy (rə-dĭk′yə-lĕk′tə-mē)n. See rhizotomy.rhi·zot·o·my (rī-zot'ŏ-mē) Surgical section of the spinal nerve roots for the relief of pain or spastic paralysis. Synonym(s): radicotomy, radiculectomy. [G. rhiza, root, + tomē, section]radiculectomy (ra-dik?u-lek'to-me) [? + Gr. ektome, excision] 1. Excision of a spinal nerve root.2. Resection of a posterior spinal nerve root. See: rhizotomy |