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Adson forceps Ad·son for·ceps (ad'sŏn), a small thumb forceps with two teeth on one tip and one tooth on the other.Ad·son forceps (ad'sŏn fōr'seps) A thumb forceps with toothed or serrated tips used to pick up tissue or grasp gauze dressings. Adson, Alfred Washington, U.S. neurosurgeon, 1887-1951. Adson aneurysm needleAdson angular hookAdson brain clipAdson brain-exploring cannulaAdson brain forcepsAdson brain hookAdson brain retractorAdson brain suction tipAdson brain suction tubeAdson cerebellar retractorAdson cranial rongeurAdson drainage cannulaAdson dural hookAdson dural knifeAdson dural protectorAdson forcepsAdson Gigli sawAdson Gigli-saw guideAdson head restAdson maneuver - Synonym(s): Adson testAdson microbipolar forcepsAdson microdressing forcepsAdson microtissue forcepsAdson procedure - Synonym(s): Adson testAdson scalp clipAdson scalp clip-applying forcepsAdson syndrome - (1) thoracic outlet syndrome. Synonym(s): Naffziger syndrome; - (2) cerebral sphingolipidosis.Adson test - a test for thoracic outlet syndrome. Synonym(s): Adson maneuver; Adson procedureBrown-Adson forceps - see under Brown, James |