arch of the long saphenous vein
arch of the long saphenous vein
arch of the long saphenous vein
An obsolete term for the medial arc of the dorsal venous arch that gives rise to the long saphenous vein.
disc-winged bat
disc-winged bats
disc wobble
disc world
discworld ii
canadian security telecommunications advisory committee
canadian security traders association, inc.
canadian seed growers association
canadian seed trade association
canadian seismic design provisions for steel structures
canadian self-contained off-the-shelf underwater testbed
canadian semantic web working symposium
canadian senior football league
canadian senior pro rodeo association
canadian series of north american negroes
canadian serviceberry
canadian service description markup language
canadians for a genocide museum
canadians for a tropical province
canadians for ethical treatment of food animals
canadians for fair and equitable taxation
canadians for israel's legal rights
canadians for justice and peace in the middle east
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