Sky Meadows State Park

Sky Meadows State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Virginia
Location:2 miles south of Paris on Route 17 South.
Facilities:12 primitive hike-in campsites, group campsite, toilets, picnic shelters, hiking trails, bridle trails, playground, visitor center, gift shop.
Activities:Camping, fishing, hiking, horseback riding, naturalist programs, historical programs, historical tours.
Special Features:Historic Mount Bleak House, furnished as a middle-class farmhouse circa 1860, serves as the park’s visitor center. Park provides an access point to the Appalachian National Scenic Trail (see entry in national trails section).
Address:11012 Edmonds Ln
Delaplane, VA 20144

Size: 1,862 acres.

See other parks in Virginia.