

 [por″to-en″ter-os´tah-me] surgical anastomosis of the jejunum to a decapsulated area of liver in the porta hepatis region, and to the duodenum; done to establish a conduit from the intrahepatic bile ducts to the intestine in biliary atresia.


(pōr'tō-en'tĕr-os'tŏ-mē), An operation for biliary atresia in which a Roux-en-Y loop of jejunum is anastomosed to the hepatic end of the divided extravascular portal structures, including rudimentary bile ducts. Synonym(s): Kasai operation


(pôr′tō-ĕn′tə-rŏs′tə-mē)n. A surgical procedure for the treatment of biliary atresia in which a Roux-en-Y loop of the jejunum is anastomosed to the hepatic end of the divided extravascular portal structures, including the rudimentary bile ducts.


(pōr'tō-en'tĕr-os'tŏ-mē) An operation for biliary atresia in which a Roux-en-Y loop of jejunum is anastomosed to the hepatic end of the divided extravascular portal structures, including rudimentary bile ducts.
Synonym(s): Kasai operation.


Morio, 20th century Japanese surgeon. Kasai operation - an operation for biliary atresia. Synonym(s): portoenterostomy