

单词 radio compass

radio compass

radio compass

n. A navigational aid consisting of an automatic radio receiver and a directional antenna that determine the transmission direction of incoming radio waves.

radio compass

n (Navigation) any navigational device that gives a bearing by determining the direction of incoming radio waves transmitted from a particular radio station or beacon. See also goniometer2

ra′dio com`pass

n. a receiver with a directional antenna for determining the bearing of a radio beacon: used as a navigational aid on ships and aircraft. [1915–20]
Noun1.radio compass - a direction finder that gives a bearing by determining the direction of incoming radio signalsradio compass - a direction finder that gives a bearing by determining the direction of incoming radio signalsdirection finder - radio; determines the direction of incoming radio waves

radio compass

radio compass:

see radio rangeradio range,
geographically fixed radio transmitter that radiates coded signals in all directions to enable aircraft and ships to determine their bearings. An aircraft or ship can determine its line of position and drift if it knows its bearing relative to the radio transmitter
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radio compass

[′rād·ē·ō ′käm·pəs] (electronics) automatic direction finder

radio compass

radio compassPlane of the loop aerial at right angle to the incoming signalradio compassPlane of the loop aerial in line with the incoming signalradio compassAn airborne direction finder operating in a medium frequency in conjunction with nondirectional beacons or radio stations operating in a medium wave. The system consists essentially of a loop aerial superimposed with a selsyn system to remove 180° ambiguity.

radio compass

  • noun

Words related to radio compass

noun a direction finder that gives a bearing by determining the direction of incoming radio signals

Related Words

  • direction finder




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