

 [por-tog´rah-fe] radiography of the portal vein after injection of opaque material.portal portography portography after injection of opaque material into the superior mesenteric vein or one of its branches, the abdomen being opened.splenic portography portography after percutaneous injection of opaque material into the substance of the spleen.


(pōr-tog'ră-fē), Delineation of the portal circulation by radiography, using radiopaque material, usually introduced into the spleen or into the portal vein at operation. Synonym(s): portovenography [porto- + G. graphō, to write]


(pōr-tog'ră-fē) Delineation of the portal circulation by radiographs, using radiopaque material, usually introduced into the spleen or into the portal vein at operation. [porto- + G. graphō, to write]