


the name of a significant segment of the non-Bashkirs who lived among the Bashkirs from the 18th to early 20th centuries. The Teptiar included Tatars, Mishari, Udmurts, Maris, and Mordovians, who retained their language and culture.

Early written references to the Teptiar date from the first half of the 18th century. The Teptiar came mainly from the Middle Volga Region and settled on the Bashkir lands. The term “Teptiar” (Russian teptiari, from the Persian defter, “list”) is not used in the contemporary literature.


Akhmarov, G. N. “Teptiari i ikh proiskhozhdenie.” In the collection Izv. obshcheslva arkheologii, istorii i etnografii pri Kazanskomun-te, vol. 23, fasc. 5. Kazan, 1908.