Acronym | Definition |
TACC➣Texas Advanced Computing Center |
TACC➣Texas Advanced Computing Center (University of Texas at Austin) |
TACC➣Traffic Aware Cruise Control (Tesla) |
TACC➣Total Allowable Commercial Catch (fisheries management) |
TACC➣Texas Association of Community Colleges (Austin, Texas) |
TACC➣Troy Area Chamber of Commerce (Troy, OH) |
TACC➣Tanker/Airlift Control Center |
TACC➣Tasa Anual de Crecimiento Compuesto (Spanish) |
TACC➣Technical Assistance Command Center (various companies) |
TACC➣Torrance Area Chamber of Commerce (California) |
TACC➣Tale'awtxw Aboriginal Capital Corporation (West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) |
TACC➣Test Access |
TACC➣Tracking and Control Center |
TACC➣Total Annual Cash Compensation (salary) |
TACC➣Taiwan Analysis Center (for COSMIC) |
TACC➣Texas Argentine Chamber of Commerce (US and Argentina) |
TACC➣Training Academy Charter Committee (US FEMA) |
TACC➣Titusville Area Chamber of Commerce (Titusville, FL) |
TACC➣Total Aerobic Colony Count |
TACC➣The Abominable Charles Christopher (webcomic) |
TACC➣Tactical Air Coordination Center |
TACC➣Twelve Apostles' Church in Christ (various locations) |
TACC➣Total Annihilation: the Core Contingency (computer game) |
TACC➣Tutorial and Workshop on Autonomic Communications and Component-ware (workshop) |
TACC➣Tailored Airworthiness Certification Criteria |
TACC➣Theater Air Component Commander |
TACC➣Tactical Air Control/Command Center |
TACC➣Tetraminecopper (Ii) Chlorate (Explosive) |
TACC➣Taiwanese American Christian Church |
TACC➣Tactical Automatic Cash Controller |
TACC➣Triple Area Agencies on Aging Council of California |
TACC➣Temporary Augmentation for Command & Control |
TACC➣Thumb Antique Car Club (Michigan) |
TACC➣TA (Territorial Army) Commissioning Course (UK) |
TACC➣Third Amended Cross-Complaint |
TACC➣Teens Against Cyber Crime |
TACC➣Technicians Against Computer Cruelty (Denton, TX) |