porus acusticus externus


 [por´us] (L.) pore.porus acus´ticus exter´nus the outer end of the external acoustic meatus.porus acus´ticus inter´nus the opening of the internal acoustic meatus in the cranial cavity.porus op´ticus the opening in the sclera for passage of the optic nerve.

ex·ter·nal a·cous·tic pore

[TA] the orifice of the external acoustic meatus in the tympanic portion of the temporal bone. Synonym(s): porus acusticus externus [TA], external acoustic aperture ☆ , external acoustic foramen, external auditory foramen, external auditory pore, opening of external acoustic meatus, orifice of external acoustic meatus

porus acusticus externus

The outer opening of the external acoustic meatus.See also: porus