sports anemia

A red cell mass that is—as defined by laboratory parameters based on a more sedentary population—mildly anaemic, which is typical of ‘endurance’ athletes—e.g., long-distance runners, cyclists

sports 'anemia'

Sports medicine A red cell mass that is mildly anemic, typical of 'endurance' athletes. See Blood doping.

ex·er·cise-in·duced a·ne·mi·a

(eks'ĕr-sīz-in-dūst' ă-nē'mē-ă) Reduction in hemoglobin concentration to levels approaching clinical anemia, believed due to intense exercise training; generally occurs in the early phase of training and parallels the disproportionately large expansion in plasma volume in relation to total hemoglobin with training.
See also: anemia
Synonym(s): sports anemia.