

 [ra″de-o-li´gand] a radioisotope-labeled substance, e.g., an antigen, used in the quantitative measurement of an unlabeled substance by its binding reaction to a specific antibody or other receptor site.


(rā'dē-ō-li'gand, rad'ē-ō-lig'and), A molecule with a radionuclide tracer attached; usually used for radioimmunoassay procedures. [radio- + L. ligandus, that which is to be bound, fr. ligo, to bind]


(rā'dē-ō-lī'gand) A molecule with a radionuclide tracer attached; commonly used for radioimmunoassay procedures. [radio- + L. ligandus, that which is to be bound, fr. ligo, to bind]