Robert W. Crown Memorial State Beach

Robert W. Crown Memorial State Beach

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:In the city of Alameda; visitor center is on McKay Avenue
Facilities:Beach, bathhouse, picnic area, sailboard rentals, visitor center, exhibits (é).
Activities:Swimming, windsurfing, wildlife viewing, interpretive programs.
Special Features:The Elsie Roemer Bird Sanctuary, a refuge for aquatic birds and othersalt marsh creatures, is located at the east edge of the beach. At thenorth end of the beach is a marine reserve. Crab Cove Visitor Centerincludes exhibits of the area's colorful past, when it was an amusementcenter known as the "Coney Island of the West." The visitor center alsohas displays andaquaria highlighting flora and fauna of San Francisco Bay and othermarine areas.
Address:c/o Diablo Vista District Office
845 Casa Grande Rd
Petaluma, CA 94954

Size: 132 acres, including 2.5 miles of beach.

See other parks in California.