

 [trep´ĕ] (Ger.) the gradual increase in muscular contraction following rapidly repeated stimulation.


(trep'eh), Although in German spelling this word, like all nouns, begins with a capital letter, the English word does not. The final e is not silent.A phenomenon in cardiac muscle first observed by H.P. Bowditch; if a number of stimuli of the same intensity are sent into the muscle after a quiescent period, the first few contractions of the series show a successive increase in amplitude (strength). Synonym(s): staircase phenomenon [Ger. Treppe, staircase]


(trep'ĕ) A phenomenon in cardiac muscle. If a number of stimuli of the same intensity are sent into the muscle after a quiescent period, the first few contractions of the series show a successive increase in amplitude (strength).
Synonym(s): staircase phenomenon.
[Ger. Treppe, staircase]