Thousand Springs State Park

Thousand Springs State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Idaho
Location:1074 E 2350 South in Hagerman.
Facilities:Malad Gorge: trails, picnic areas; Billingsley Creek:indoor horse riding arena; Box Springs Canyon: hiking trail, viewingplatform; Niagara Springs: restrooms, picnic tables, group picnicshelter.
Activities:Primitive camping, hiking, wildlife viewing, fishing, picnicking.
Special Features:Thousand Springs is located in an area known as MagicValley and encompasses four individual units: 1) Malad Gorge, where theMalad River runs down stairstep falls into the Devils Washbowl, thencuts through a 250-foot gorge on its way to the Snake River, 2-1/2miles downstream. Views of the gorge are best from a sturdy bridge thatcrosses the canyon. 2) Billingsley Creek, located in the HagermanValley, was formerly known as Emerald Valley Ranch and used primarilyfor agriculture. It was purchased for state park use in 2001. 3) Earl MHardy Box Canyon Springs Nature Preserve, which features a 20-footwaterfall and springs that flow at a rate of 180,000 gallons perminute. 4) Niagara Springs, which tumble down the canyon side at 250cubic feet per second, with water the icy blue of glaciers.
Address:Box 149
Hagerman, ID 83332

Size: 110 acres. Elevation: 2,800 feet.

See other parks in Idaho.