Acronym | Definition |
THP➣Tennessee Highway Patrol |
THP➣The Hunger Project (New York, NY) |
THP➣Texas Highway Patrol |
THP➣Texas Holdem Poker |
THP➣Take Home Pay (net wages) |
THP➣Transparent Huge Page (Linux) |
THP➣Thrust Horse Power |
THP➣Turbo High Pressure |
THP➣Total Horse Power |
THP➣Thin Provisioning |
THP➣Timber Harvest Plan |
THP➣Transitional Housing Program |
THP➣Tetrahydropyran |
THP➣Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding |
THP➣Tamm-Horsfall Protein |
THP➣Temporary Housing Program (US FEMA) |
THP➣The Housing Partnership (New Hampshire) |
THP➣Triad Health Project (North Carolina) |
THP➣Three Hole Punch |
THP➣Take Home Package (lessons learned and recommendations resulting from military exercise) |
THP➣Tubing Hanger Pressure (oil production) |
THP➣The Heavy Pets (band) |
THP➣Thrust Horsepower (engine power rating) |
THP➣The Harman Press (printing company) |
THP➣The Hackers Paradise (golf website) |
THP➣Traffic Handling Priority |
THP➣Tubing Head Pressure (oil/gas wells) |
THP➣Tom Hay Printing (Georgia) |
THP➣The History Press (Ireland and UK) |
THP➣The Hot Pepper (forum) |
THP➣Texaco Heritage Plaza |
THP➣Thermohydrogen Processing |
THP➣Terminal to Host Protocol |
THP➣Terminal Handler Process |
THP➣Total Hip Precautions |
THP➣Telecommunications Host Processor |
THP➣The Harlem Project |
THP➣Toe Head Posse (Texas) |
THP➣Tiempo Hasta la Progresion (Spanish: Time to Progression) |
THP➣Tenant Habitability Plan |