stylomastoid artery

sty·lo·mas·toid ar·ter·y

[TA] origin, posterior auricular; distribution, external acoustic meatus, mastoid cells, semicircular canals, stapedius muscle, and vestibule; anastomoses, tympanic branches of internal carotid and ascending pharyngeal, and labyrinthine arteries. Synonym(s): arteria stylomastoidea [TA]

sty·lo·mas·toid ar·te·ry

(stī'lō-mas'toyd ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Origin, posterior auricular; distribution, external acoustic meatus, mastoid cells, semicircular canals, stapedius muscle, and vestibule; anastomoses, tympanic branches of internal carotid and ascending pharyngeal, and labyrinthine arteries.
Synonym(s): arteria stylomastoidea [TA] .

sty·lo·mas·toid ar·te·ry

(stī'lō-mas'toyd ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Origin, posterior auricular; distribution, external acoustic meatus, mastoid cells, semicircular canals, stapedius muscle, and vestibule; anastomoses, tympanic branches of internal carotid and ascending pharyngeal, and labyrinthine arteries.