positive symptom

positive symptom

one of the acute or florid symptoms of schizophrenia, including hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder, loose associations, ambivalence, or affective lability.

positive symptom

Psychiatry A symptom due to mental distortion, typical of schizophrenia–eg, perceptual distortions–hallucinations, inferential thinking–delusions, disorganized thinking, agitation Sx are “positive” because the behavior adds to what is considered normal. See Positive & Negative Symptom Scale, Schizophrenia. Cf Negative Sx.

pos·i·tive symp·tom

(poz'i-tiv simp'tŏm) One of the acute or florid symptoms of schizophrenia, including hallucinations, delusions, thought disorders, loose associations, ambivalence, or affective lability.