van't Hoff theory

van't Hoff the·o·ry

(vahnt hof), that substances in dilute solution obey the gas laws. Compare: van't Hoff law.

van't Hoff the·o·ry

(vahnt hof thē'ŏr-ē) That substances in dilute solution obey the gas laws.
Compare: van't Hoff law

van't Hoff,

Jacobus H., Dutch chemist and Nobel laureate, 1852-1911. Le Bel-van-t Hoff rule - see under Le Belvan't Hoff equation - equation for osmotic pressure of dilute solutions for any reaction.van't Hoff law - in stereochemistry, all optically active substances have one or more multivalent atoms united to four different atoms or radicals so as to form in space an unsymmetrical arrangement.van't Hoff theory - that substances in dilute solution obey the gas laws.