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pancreaticoduodenostomy pancreaticoduodenostomy [pan″kre-at″ĭ-ko-doo″o-dĕ-nos´tah-me] anastomosis of the pancreatic duct to a different site on the duodenum.pan·cre·at·ic·o·du·od·e·nos·to·my (pan'krē-at'ō-dū'ō-dĕ-nos'tŏ-mē) Surgical anastomosis of a pancreatic duct, cyst, or fistula to the duodenum. pancreaticoduodenostomy (păn″krē-ăt″ ĭ-kō-dū″ō-dē-nŏs′tō-mē) [″ + ″ + ″ + Gr. stoma, mouth] Surgical creation of an artificial passage between the pancreatic duct or the divided end of the transected pancreas with the duodenum. |