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pancreatography pancreatography [pan″kre-ah-tog´rah-fe] radiography of the pancreas, performed during surgery by injecting contrast medium into the pancreatic duct.endoscopic retrograde pancreatography that in which the radiopaque medium is injected into the pancreatic duct at the ampulla of Vater via a cannula introduced through a fiberoptic endoscope; see also gallbladder and cholangiopancreatography" >endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.pan·cre·a·tog·ra·phy (pan'krē-ă-tog'ră-fē), Radiographic demonstration of the pancreatic ducts, after retrograde injection of radiopaque material into the distal duct. [pancreato- + G. graphō, to write] pan·cre·a·tog·ra·phy (pan'krē-ă-tog'ră-fē) Radiographic demonstration of the pancreatic ducts, after retrograde injection of radiopaque material into the distal duct. [pancreato- + G. graphō, to write]pancreatography Any method of imaging of the pancreas and its ducts, as by the use of X-ray contrast medium, CT SCANNING or ULTRASOUND SCANNING. |