Radio Regulations
Radio Regulations
the body of rules governing the use by member countries of the International Telecommunication Union of any radio station or device that emits electromagnetic waves in the radio-frequency band and is thus capable of creating radio interference. The regulations control the allocation of segments of the radio spectrum for use in telecommunications, radio broadcasting, television, radar, and radio astronomy. They also establish an agreed-upon operating procedure and standardized parameters for devices that emit and receive radio waves in order to ensure simultaneous operation of such devices with an acceptable interference level.
Radio Regulations contain a classification of devices for emitting and receiving radio waves (by radio services), a table of the distribution of radio frequencies (waves) and the conditions for the use of the frequencies by individual radio services in various regions of the world, rules for assigning working frequencies to radio stations, limitations imposed on individual radio services, the procedure for establishing and conducting radio communications, and measures to be taken in the event unacceptable radio interference occurs. The Radio Regulations Supplement contains rules for financial settlements among countries conducting international radio communications.
Mezhdunarodnaia konventsiia elektrosviazi. Montreux, 1965; Moscow, 1969.Reglament radiosviazi. Moscow, 1975.