

P0041700 (păn′əl)n.1. A flat, usually rectangular piece forming a raised, recessed, or framed part of the surface in which it is set.2. The space or section in a fence or railing between two posts.3. A vertical section of fabric; a gore.4. a. A thin wooden board, used as a surface for an oil painting.b. A painting on such a board.5. a. A board having switches or buttons to control an electric device.b. An instrument panel.6. A section of a telephone switchboard.7. A cartoon drawing in a sequence of cartoons that form a narrative.8. Law a. The complete list of persons summoned for jury duty.b. Those persons chosen from this list to constitute a pool from which a jury or juries will be selected for a particular court.c. A jury.9. a. A group of people gathered to plan or discuss an issue, judge a contest, or act as a team on a radio or television quiz program.b. A discussion by such a pan·eled, pan·el·ing, pan·els or pan·elled or pan·el·ling 1. To cover or furnish with panels.2. To decorate with panels.3. To separate into panels.
[Middle English, piece of cloth, from Old French, probably from Vulgar Latin *pannellus, diminutive of Latin pannus, cloth; see pan- in Indo-European roots.]


(ˈpænəld) or


adjfurnished or decorated with panels or flat sections


(ˈpӕnl) noun1. a flat, straight-sided piece of wood, fabric etc such as is put into a door, wall, dress etc. a door-panel. 鑲板,嵌板 (门、墙等上面的)镶板,嵌板 2. a group of people chosen for a particular purpose eg to judge a contest, take part in a quiz or other game. I will ask some questions and the panel will try to answer them. 選定(陪審團) 专门小组ˈpanelled adjective made of or surrounded with panels (usually of wood). a panelled door; oak-panelled. 鑲嵌的 镶嵌的ˈpanelling noun (wood used for) panels covering the walls of a room etc. oak panelling. 鑲板 镶板