Roche-A-Cri State Park
Roche-A-Cri State Park
Location:1.5 miles north of Friendship on WI 13.
Facilities:41 rustic campsites, picnic areas, hiking trails (5 miles), nature trail, scenic vista, playgrounds, volleyball courts, horseshoe pits.
Activities:Camping, hiking, fishing, sightseeing, naturalist programs (seasonal).
Special Features:The French name which means "crevice in the rock" refers to the 300-foot-high outcrop of rock that is the central feature of this small park. A 303-step staircase leads to the top of the outcrop, which has Native American petrglyphs and pictographs.
Address:1767 Hwy 13
Friendship, WI 53934
Size: 605 acres.
See other parks in Wisconsin.