

 [ra″de-o-tok-se´me-ah] toxemia produced by a radioactive substance, or resulting from radiotherapy.


(rā'dē-ō-tok-sē'mē-ă), Radiation sickness caused by the products of disintegration produced by the action of x-rays or other forms of radioactivity and by the depletion of certain cells and enzyme systems from the organism. [radio- + G. toxikon, poison, + haima, blood]


(rā'dē-ō-tok-sē'mē-ă) Radiation sickness caused by the products of disintegration produced by the action of x-rays or other forms of radioactivity and by the depletion of certain cells and enzyme systems from the organism.
Synonym(s): radiotoxaemia.
[radio- + G. toxikon, poison, + haima, blood]


(rā'dē-ō-tok-sē'mē-ă) Radiation sickness caused by products of disintegration produced by action of x-rays or other forms of radioactivity and by depletion of some cells and enzyme systems from organism. [radio- + G. toxikon, poison, + haima, blood]