SPPSSolid Phase Peptide Synthesis
SPPSSharePoint Portal Server (Microsoft)
SPPSSt. Paul Public Schools (Minnesota)
SPPSSchool of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
SPPSSuper Proton-Antiproton Synchrotron (particle accelerator at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
SPPSSteam Powered Preservation Society
SPPSSpecialist, Port Security (US Coast Guard)
SPPSState Plant Protection Service (Latvia)
SPPSSpecial Payroll Processing System (various federal agencies)
SPPSService de La Promotion Professionnelle des Sourds (French: Department of Professional Advancement of the Deaf)
SPPSStable Plasma Protein Solution
SPPSSyndicat des Professionnels du Parachutisme Sportif (French: Professional Sport Parachuting Union; est. 2003)